Archive for 2015

Creating a font

Filming schedule

This filming schedule was created to keep the production of the music video in time and make sure that all aspects were covered. This also makes the filming process more organised and is easier to follow and plan what needs to be done


Digital copy of our CD Cover, Back cover, Inlays and Booklet.


We decided to use this method of storyboard was used because the labels were interchangeable and made it easier to move the lyrics, shot plans, mise on scene plans and timings around when we needed to add things in and take them away.


We recored a staged interview to replicate the process of submitting ideas for a music video production. This gives an insight into how the process works and what is involved when getting the permission for a music video  to be produced. The information given was basic and reflects what we want to achieve with our music video in a simplified form.

Media in the Online Age - Advancement and Album covers

Music has developed and changed over the years drastically. As technology has advanced, the way music has been produced had to change. For example, vinyls were introduced in 1948 by Columbia Records and were replaced with cassette tapes in 1962. The quality improved in 1970 and thus became a popular way to listen to music, and overtook vinyls.

Advances in technologies, such as CD players have allowed vinyls to become almost obsolete,apart from a new emerging niche. With the advent of the internet developing anywhere after 1983, music had to change to keep up with the change in technologies and the way that people find it most convenient and easy to consume music. There has therefore been a huge increase in downloads and streaming of music when the internet became more popular over the recent years. Now with more people than ever being able to access it is important to make our product available with a digital album cover and booklet, a website along with a physical copy of the booklet and cover. 

When looking at the development of album covers and booklets, there isn’t much development in  the covers. Some of the changes could be seen as recreations of previous covers. This would make the cover appeal to some people because it is nostalgic or retrospective of previous album covers. When looking into what to produce for our projects album cover and booklet, we must consider the changes in technology, previous album covers and always remain in conjunction with our music video. 

Hypodermic Needle Theory

Music Video - Choice of song

We have now decided on a song for the music video and almost finished planning for the video and have begun filming. Our song choice is Arctic Monkeys - Snap Out Of It. This song was chosen because the Arctic Monkeys are a popular band and the song matches our desired final product outlook. The music also matches all the conventions that we want to achieve.

We have also almost finished planning at this stage and the final aspects need to be decided for the desired effect.